
The TRUE cost of Dental Tourism

So often I come across patients who have traveled to Thailand, India, China and other countries to have their dental work done. They have a 5-star holiday thrown in.  I feel very sorry for them because most of the work fails within 5 years, and they need to re-do all...

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A Cracked tooth – what’s that ?

It is always the last straw that ‘breaks the camel’s back’, and with teeth, it is usually a piece of soft bread, a biscuit or a steak. Teeth have a natural groove pattern, but some are much deeper and sinister. Suddenly there is a ‘loud crack’ followed by...

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Can the 2017 NZ Election Affect Dental Costs?

Sigh! the 2017 elections are over, and Winston has finally selected his bride, so can we move on please. There is nothing more energizing when we meet a stranger than to be greeted with a beautiful Smile, one that extends ‘a warm welcome’ and says, ‘I live...

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Did I Inherit Bad Teeth from my Parents?

Haven’t we all heard this one before… my dad and mum had bad teeth, so I will have bad teeth. They now wear dentures, so I am destined for false teeth. There is nothing further from the truth, but let me paint you a picture. All babies have mothers who...

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Invisalign braces – a clear alternative

Invisalign braces are a modern approach to the old "train-tracks" style braces. These clear, hardly visible braces can perform the task of creating a perfect smile without the inconvenience of ulcers and ugly steel braces that require constant cleaning. Invisalign are...

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Tooth Replacement With Dental Implants

In the past, patients who had teeth extracted were left to chew with dentures. These were never comfortable or well fitting. Dental implants have revolutionized tooth replacement and at Caring 4 Smiles in Epsom, we are putting teeth into gaps and making our patients...

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