A root canal procedure in dentistry involves the removal of inflamed or infected pulp from the interior of a tooth, followed by a thorough cleaning and disinfection process. Subsequently, the space is filled and sealed. The primary goal of root canal treatment is to eradicate bacteria within the infected root canal, prevent the possibility of reinfection, and preserve the natural tooth. If your dentist or endodontist recommends a root canal to address a damaged or diseased tooth, this is the best treatment to save your tooth. Root Canal treatment is a common and highly successful method to rescue and restore teeth, relieve pain, and restore dental health. Millions of teeth undergo this treatment each year, effectively alleviating discomfort and revitalising the health of the teeth.

Does it Hurt?

Patients are administered anaesthesia during a root canal procedure, so it is not more painful than routine dental fillings or wisdom teeth extraction. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that some mild soreness or numbness is typical after the root canal, which may lead to slight discomfort lasting for a few days. This temporary discomfort is a standard part of the healing process and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, as your dentist recommends. It’s essential to understand that the benefits of a root canal, such as relieving pain and saving the natural tooth, far outweigh any short-term discomfort experienced during recovery. Your dentist will guide you in managing post-procedure discomfort, resulting in improved oral health and relief from the initial dental issue.

Signs a Root Canal May Be Necessary

Root canal procedures become necessary in cases where a tooth is cracked due to either injury or genetic factors, when a deep cavity has developed, or when complications arise from a prior filling. Typically, patients consider root canal treatment when they become aware of heightened tooth sensitivity, particularly temperature changes involving hot and cold substances.

Several symptoms can indicate the need for a root canal:

  1. Intense pain when chewing or biting.
  2. The appearance of pimples on the gums.
  3. A tooth that is chipped or cracked.
  4. Persistent sensitivity to hot or cold, even after removing the triggering sensation.
  5. Swelling or tenderness in the gums.
  6. The presence of deep decay or darkening of the gums.

What About the Total Cost?

The fee for endodontic treatment can range between $ 1200 – $ 2500 depending on the tooth to be treated and the complexity of the specific tooth affected. Typically, back molars present a more significant challenge for treatment, with multiple roots, often resulting in higher fees. Many dental insurance plans offer partial coverage for endodontic procedures.

In general, opting for endodontic treatment and preserving the natural tooth tends to be more cost-effective than the alternative of tooth extraction. When a tooth gets extracted, it necessitates an implant or bridge replacement to restore chewing function and prevent neighbouring teeth from shifting. These replacement procedures often cost more than undergoing endodontic treatment and ensuring the tooth’s proper restoration.

Payment Assistance is Available

We are pleased to offer our patients a convenient payment solution for their healthcare needs. Our unique financing plan allows you to receive the treatment you desire, valued at $350 or more, without any payments or interest for a full 12 months. This flexibility will enable you to schedule your preferred treatment without financial concerns. We can assist you in completing the straightforward pre-approved financing application through our website for your convenience. 

Call us at 09-6315416 to rid yourself of unnecessary tooth pain permanently!