If you’re tired of looking at gaps in your smile, it is time to consider dental implants. Dental implants not only improve the appearance of your smile, but also improve the function of your teeth, and preserve the jaw bone. Dental implants are simply the best substitute for natural teeth available. However, they do require numerous dental appointments, imaging tests, surgery, and prosthetic teeth, so dental implants can be expensive. In Auckland, NZ, the cost of implants is estimated at $6000-$8000. Financing is available to help you to pay for dental implant surgery in Auckland.

Is a dental implant worth the cost?

Dental implants don’t just replace missing teeth. They can literally transform your whole mouth. Implants prevent bone loss in your jaw, which is a primary reason they are considered the gold standard in tooth replacement. Your jaw bone withers and recedes if it is not needed to connect to a tooth root. So when you’re missing teeth, the jaw bone begins to deteriorate.

Fortunately, dental implants prevent you from losing any more jaw bone, which can result in a sunken, aged appearance. Using a biocompatible titanium screw drilled into your jaw, a remarkable process begins to take place when the screws are secured to your jaw. Your jaw bone cells will quickly begin to grow up the screw through a process called osseointegration. Simply put, the screw is integrating into your jaw, where it begins to mimic the function of your tooth root. 

Once the cells have grown enough that the implant is secure, you’ll have a crown placed on top of the screw. The crown looks and acts exactly like a normal tooth. You will be able to eat whatever you like, and the tooth will look completely natural. However, beneath the gum line, your jaw will be growing stronger, stopping the loss of bone. 

Implants provide greater stability and security than dentures or bridges because they are firmly implanted in your jaw bone. They do not need to be anchored to other teeth as dental bridges do. This helps reduce damage and strain on other teeth.

Implants are also much more durable than dental bridges. By practicing excellent oral hygiene, your dental implants should last for decades. By contrast, most dental bridges need to be replaced within 5-10 years.

Paying for Dental Implants in Auckland, NZ

Financing to replace missing teeth is available with Q Card. Q Card offers no payments and no interest for 3 months. Qualified applicants may enjoy up to 12 months of no payments or interest. As a popular alternative to traditional credit cards, Q Card can help finance your dental implants in Auckland. 

Do I Qualify for Dental Implants?

Many people will be excellent candidates for dental implants. As long as you’re in relatively good overall health, do not smoke cigarettes, and do not suffer from diabetes, you are likely to qualify for dental implants. If you have significant bone loss, you may need an additional procedure, such as bone grafting to build up your jaw so that it can support implants.  

Learn More About Dental Implants in Auckland

If you’re ready to replace missing teeth, schedule a consultation at Caring 4 Smiles Dental Group. Caring 4 Smiles provides complete cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, family dentistry, and restorative dentistry, including dental implants. Contact us today at 09 631 5416 to schedule an appointment. You may also request an appointment online.