Your safety and that of our team is our primary concern.caring 4 smiles patient visit

COVID-19 has changed our world. We acknowledged the concerns of all patients by being proactive in this matter. No clinic can operate in a casual manner, but at this practice, we have always followed very stringent hygiene and sterilization controls from Day 1. Our patients are accustomed to us sterilizing their hands and surfaces if they were to touch their face, mouth, or teeth during treatment. All clinic surfaces in and around the treatment rooms are sterilized between appointments. Your care at Caring 4 Smiles will now occur at Operation Theatre standards.

How Our Ventilation Systems Work

In the original design of our clinic, we installed German engineered windows so that light and air could ventilate the surgeries. Additionally, we had fan-forced air into all rooms to ensure the bacterial and viral load was minimal. All of the above is inspected and certified every 6 months from the start of this practice. With COVID-19, we took this to a higher level. In April 2020, we investigated additional scientific standards to ensure patient safety. We engaged the services of CAMFIL NZ, the world’s foremost leader in air purification systems, and entrusted them to design a custom system for Caring 4 Smiles treatment rooms.

Feel Safe With Caring 4 Smiles

caring 4 smiles ventilation

As you lie back in our dental chair, you will notice a large positive-pressure laminar-flow screen above you. This creates a down-draft of pure air, driving all bacteria and viruses to the floor. As the return draft of air rises towards the ceiling against the room walls, it is drawn into the grill, in the corner of the ceiling, and flushed through the pre-HEPA and main HEPA filters, before being returned to the room. This ensures that the air is 99.9995% pure of all bacterial and viral loads between patients and is without compromise, an Operating Theatre standard. Caring 4 Smiles is the only clinic in Australasia to have such a high-end system.

CAMFIL NZ has installed an Operation Theatre standard of room air purification, which has been tested and certified by air engineers. Their report is available for your reading. This was a huge investment and upgrade, in evidence of our uncompromising commitment to your safety.

All in all, we ensure every patient is treated under the most stringent sterilization and room protocols. This has always been our standard, to be one step ahead. Safety is our prime concern.