Sometimes, an opportunity in childhood is missed, and the gap (called a diastema) remains into adult life. With Time, the gap increases in size and makes the person self-conscious.

This situation was totally preventable. Unfortunately, this patient passed her 9th year birthday a long time ago. At this point in her life, only Cosmetic Dentistry can provide a fitting solution.

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We see large and small gaps between front teeth through at all ages. In a 9 year old, the matter is corrected with a minor surgery and minimal orthodontics.

In an older individual, Orthodontics can bring these teeth together but the relapse rate is very high. Cosmetic Dentistry can help but there is no guarantee that the gap won’t increase in size later on.

Preventive Dentistry is for every age of patient. At 9 years of age, Caring 4 Smiles would have eliminated this situation quickly and easily.